Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Administrator - not

 This must be odie's blog and I am just an author

Friday, November 14, 2008

paypal test


The most common comment we get after our computer seminars is, "That was great! Now, if only you could come home with me and sit beside me at the computer..."

With the disks you can purchase below, you get video tutorials just like what we present in our live seminars. The only difference is, there are more of them! For example, our Picasa seminar is 1.5 hours, including introductions and questions. Our Picasa disk below contains 21 video tutorials at 4 to 10 minutes each for over 2 hours of instruction.

Click on a title below to see the videos included. Click on 'Add to Cart' to purchase a disk.

Seminar on a Disk Price
Tutorial Collection - Table of contents - plus Vista

(103 videos, 3-10 min/each)

Managing Digital Photos with Picasa

Computing Essentials $15

Making a Blog using Blogger.com $15

Windows Vista: What's New $15

Shipping and Handling $5per order

  • Privacy Policy: When you click the buttons above you will be taken to PayPal's secure website. None of your personal information is entered on GeeksOnTour.com.

  • Once at your cart, you will have the option of using a PayPal account or, if you "Don't have a PayPal account?" Click the link there to 'continue.' You can then use any of these credit cards.

  • Solution Graphics

Saturday, July 19, 2008

bla bla

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Friday, December 21, 2007

Windows Vista Help: Optimize Windows Vista for better performance

My Geeks are always talking about computers while I am trying to sleep.
I have picked up a lot of information that might be useful. So I am starting to post some of that stuff on my blog.
Who says an old dog can't learn new tricks?

Windows Vista Help: Optimize Windows Vista for better performance

Further your computer education
**Subscribe to the Free Geeks on Tour Newsletter**

Sunday, December 02, 2007